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Please feel free to share your respects or thoughts for a loved one


Peter Beatrice

Grampy, I'll always remember your generosity, your love of family and the holidays. How you kept the freezer stocked with ice creams and popsicles for days when we would come to swim at your pool. Our special bond. You were my biggest fan.



You would have loved this show. The greenest thumb. I wish I was more like you, and I think of you every time I see a red cardinal zooming around.



My most beloved soulmate. I miss you every day and hold onto hope that I can hold you again and forever! And remind myself whenever I miss you desperately that, even though I can't see you there, you live comfortably in my heart. For always <3



Dear friend you left us too soon. Your laugh and good cheer was infectious, and I do my best to carry your cheer and optimism with me.


Uncle Leo

You taught me that sorrow carves out more space in oneself for love. Thank you for this lesson.